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  • Dewey, C., J.R Bargar, S Fendorf. 2021. Porewater lead concentrations limited by particulate organic matter coupled with ephemeral iron(III) and sulfide phases during redox cycles within contaminated floodplain soils.  Environ. Sci. Technol.
  • Engel, M , J. S. Lezama Pacheco, V. Noël, K. Boye, and S. Fendorf. 2021. Organic compounds alter the preference and rates of heavy metal adsorption on ferrihydrite. Sci. Tot. Environ. 750: 141485.  https://
  • Engel, M., K. Boye, V. Noël, T. Babey, J. R. Bargar, and S. Fendorf. 2021. Simulated aquifer heterogeneity leads to enhanced attenuation and multiple retention processes of zinc. Environ. Sci. Technol.
  • Fakhreddine, S., and S. Fendorf. 2021. The effect of porewater ionic composition on arsenate adsorption to clay minerals. Sci. Tot. Environ.t 785, 147096
  • Ferreira, M.D.S, M.P.F. Fontes, C.R. Bellato, J.O.M. Neto, H.N. Lima, and S. Fendorf. 2021. Geochemical signatures and natural background values of rare earth elements in soils of Brazilian Amazon. Environmental Pollution 277, 116743
  • Lacroix, E.M., R.J. Rossi, D. Bossio, S. Fendorf. 2021. Effects of moisture and physical disturbance on pore-scale oxygen content and anaerobic metabolisms in upland soils. Sci. Tot. Environ. 780, 146572.
  • Naughton, H.R., M. Keiluweit, MM. Tfaily, J.J. Dynes, T. Regier, S. Fendorf. 2021. Development of energetic and enzymatic limitations on microbial carbon cycling in soils. Biogeochemistry 153, 191-213.
  • Sherris, A.R., M. Baiocchi, S. Fendorf, S.P. Luby, W. Yang, G.M. Shaw. 2021. Nitrate in Drinking water during pregnancy and spontaneous preterm birth: A retrospective within-mother analysis in California.  Environmental Health Perspectives 129, 057001
  • Dewey, C., D Sokaras, T Kroll, JR Bargar, S Fendorf. 2020. Calcium-uranyl-carbonato species kinetically limit U (VI) reduction by Fe (II) and lead to U (V)-bearing ferrihydrite. Environ. Sci. Technol. 54: 6021-6030.
  • Eberle, A., J. Besold, C.F. Kerl, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, S. Fendorf, and B. Planer-Friedrich. 2020. Arsenic fate in peat controlled by the pH-dependent role of reduced sulfur. Environ. Sci. Technol. 54: 6682-6692., S., H. Prommer, S. M. Gorelick, J. Dadakis, and S. Fendorf. 2020. Controlling arsenic mobilization during managed aquifer recharge: The role of sediment heterogeneity. Environ. Sci. Technol. 54: 8728-8738., J., I. Meza, A.J. Burns, A.M.S. Ali, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, P. Lichtner, N. Shaikh, S. Fendorf, J. M Cerrato. 2020. Effect of bicarbonate, calcium, and pH on the reactivity of As(V) and U(VI) mixtures. Environ. Sci. Technol. 54: 3979-3987.
  • Kumar, N., V. Noël, B. Planer-Friedrich, J.  Besold, J. Lezama Pacheco, J. R. Bargar, G.E.  Brown, Jr, S. Fendorf, K. Boye. 2020. Redox heterogeneities promote thioarsenate formation and release into groundwater from low arsenic sediments. Environ. Sci. Technol. 54 3237-3244. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b06502
  • Lopez, A. M., A. Wells, and S. Fendorf. 2020. Soil and aquifer properties combine as predictors of groundwater uranium concentrations within the Central Valley, California. Environ. Sci. Technol.  55: 352-361.
  • Liu, Y., T. Ma, J. Chen, C. Xiao, R. Liu, Y. Du, and S. Fendorf. 2020. Contribution of clay-aquitard to aquifer iron concentrations and water quality. Sci. Tot. Environ. 741: 140061.
  • Bone, S.B., J. Cliff, K. Weaver, C.J. Takacs, S. Roycroft, S. Fendorf, J.R. Bargar. 2019. Complexation by organic matter controls uranium mobility in anoxic sediments. 54: 1493-1502
  • Besold, J., N. Kumar, A.C . Scheinost, J. S. Lezama-Pacheco, S. Fendorf, and B. Planer-Friedrich. 2019. Antimonite complexation with thiol and carboxyl/phenol groups of peat organic matter. Environ. Sci. Technol. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b00495
  • Duan, Y., M.V. Schaefer, Y. Wang, Y. Gan, K. Yu, Y. Deng, S. Fendorf. 2019. Experimental constraints on redox-induced arsenic release and retention from aquifer sediments in the central Yangtze River Basin. Sci. Tot. Environ. 649: 629-639
  • Dias, A. C., M. P. F. Fontes, C. Reis, C. R. Bellato, and S. Fendorf. 2019. Simplex-Centroid mixture design applied to arsenic (V) removal from waters using synthetic minerals. J. Environ. Mgnt. 238: 92-101.
  • Forsyth, J.E., S. Nurunnahar, S.S. Islam, M. Baker, D. Yeasmin, M.S. Islam, S. Fendorf, N. Ardoin, P.J. Winch, and S.P. Luby. 2019. Turmeric means “yellow” in Bengali: Lead chromate pigments added to turmeric threaten public health across Bangladesh. Environmental Research 179, 108722.
  • Forsyth, J.E., K. K. Weaver, K. Maher, M. Islam, R. Raqib, M. Rahman, S. Fendorf, S. P. Luby. 2019. Sources of blood lead exposure in rural Bangladesh. Environ. Sci. Technol. 53: 11429-11436.
  • Hausladen, D., S. Fakhreddine, S. Fendorf. 2019. Governing constraints of chromium(VI) formation from chromium (III)-bearing minerals in soils and sediments.  Soil Systems 3: 74-80.
  • McClain, C.N., S. Fendorf, S.T. Johnson, A. Menendez, and K. Maher. 2019. Lithologic and redox controls on hexavalent chromium in vadose zone sediments of California’s Central Valley.  Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 265: 478-494
  • Muehe, E.M., T. Wang, C.F. Kerl, B. Planer-Friedrich, S. Fendorf. 2019. Rice production threatened by coupled stresses of climate and soil arsenic. Nature Communications 10: 4985
  • Boye, K., A. M. Herrmann, M. V. Schaefer, M. M. Tfaily, S. Fendorf. 2018. Discerning microbially mediated processes during redox transitions in flooded soils using carbon and energy balances. Frontiers Environmental Science  doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2018.00015
  • Forsyth, J. E., M. S. Islam, S. M. Parvez, R. Raqib, M. S. Rahman, E. M. Muehe, S. Fendorf, S. P. Luby. 2018. Prevalence of elevated blood lead levels among pregnant women and sources of lead exposure in rural Bangladesh: a case control study.  Environmental Research. 166: 1-9  
  • Hausladen, D. M., A. Alexander-Ozinskas, C. McClain, and S. Fendorf. 2018. Hexavalent chromium sources and distribution in California groundwater. Environ. Sci. Technol. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b06627
  • Keiluweit, M., K. Gee, A. Denney, and S. Fendorf. 2018. Anoxic microsites in upland soils dominantly controlled by clay content. Soil Biol. Biochem. 118: 42-50.
  • Schaefer, M. V., A. Shantz, S. Fendorf, and S.C. Ying. 2018. Arsenic leaching from ceramic water filters. Environmental Science: Water Research Technol. 4: 234-240.  DOI: 10.1039/C7EW00176B
  • Smith, R., R. Knight, and S. Fendorf.  2018. Over-pumping leads to California groundwater arsenic threat. Nature Communications DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-04475-3
  • Wanzek, T., M. Keiluweit, J. Baham, M. I Dragila, S. Fendorf, S. Fiedler, P. S Nico, M. Kleber. 2018. Quantifying biogeochemical heterogeneity in soil systems. Geoderma  324: 89-97.
  • Wanzek, T., M. Keiluweit, T. Varga, A. Lindsley, P.S. Nico, S. Fendorf, M. Kleber. 2018. The ability of soil pore network metrics to predict redox dynamics is scale dependent. Soil Systems 2: 66-74.
  • Bone, S., M. Cahill, M. Jones, S. Fendorf, J.A. Davis, K.H. Williams, and J. R. Bargar. 2017. Oxidative uranium release from anoxic sediments under diffusion-limited conditions. Environ. Sci. Technol.  DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b02241.
  • Boye, K., J. Lezama-Pacheco, and S. Fendorf.  2018. Relevance of reactive Fe:S ratios for sulfur impacts on arsenic uptake by rice. Soil Systems  doi:10.3390/soils1010001
  • Boye, K., V. Noël, M. M. Tfaily, S. E. Bone, K. H. Williams, J. R. Bargar, and S. Fendorf. 2017. Thermodynamically controlled preservation of organic carbon in floodplains. Nature Geoscience 10:415-419.
  • Beiyuan, J., J.S. Li, D.C.W. Tsang, L. Wang, C.S. Poon, X.D. Li, and S. Fendorf. 2017. Fate of arsenic before and after chemical-enhanced washing of an arsenic-containing soil in Hong Kong. Sci. Tot. Environ. 599: 679-688.
  • Dublet, G. J. Lezama Pacheco, J. R. Bargar, S. Fendorf, N. Kumar, G. V. Lowry, G. E. Brown. 2017. Partitioning of uranyl between ferrihydrite and humic substances at acidic and circum-neutral pH, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 215: 122-140
  • Hausladen, D.M. and S. Fendorf. 2017. Hexavalent chromium generation within naturally structured soils and sediments. Environ. Sci. Technol. 51: 2058–2067. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b04039
  • Keiluweit, M., T. Wanzek, M. Kleber, P. Nico, and S. Fendorf. 2017. Anaerobic microsites have an unaccounted role in soil carbon stabilization. Nature Communications 8, 1771. doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01406-6
  • Li, J.S., J. Beiyuan, D.C.W. Tsang, L. Wang, C.S. Poon, X.D. Li, S. Fendorf. 2017. Arsenic-containing soil from geogenic source in Hong Kong: Leaching characteristics and stabilization/solidification. Chemosphere 182: 31-39
  • McClain, C.N., S. Fendorf, S. M. Webb, and K. Maher. 2017. Quantifying Cr(VI) production and export from serpentine soil of the California coast range. Environ. Sci. Technol. 51: 141-149 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b03484
  • Noël, V., K. Boye, R.K. Kukkadapu, S. Bone, J.S.L. Pacheco, E. Cardarelli, N. Janot, S. Fendorf, K. H. Williams, J. R. Bargar. 2017. Understanding controls on redox processes in floodplain sediments of the Upper Colorado River Basin. Sci. Tot. Environ.
  • Schaefer, M.V., Guo, X., Gan, Y., Benner, S.G., Griffin, A.M., Gorski, C.A., Wang, Y., Fendorf, S., 2017. Redox controls on arsenic enrichment and release from aquifer sediments in central Yangtze River Basin. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 204, 104-119.
  • Ying, S. C., M. V. Schaefer, A. Cock-Esteb, J. Li, and S. Fendorf. 2017. Depth stratification leads to distinct zones of manganese and arsenic contaminated groundwater. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2017. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b01121.
  • Fakhreddine, S., J. Lee, P. K. Kitanidis, S. Fendorf, M. Rolle. 2016. Imaging geochemical heterogeneities using inverse reactive transport modeling: An example relevant for characterizing arsenic mobilization and distribution, Adv. Water Res. 88: 186-197. DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.12.005.
  • Fendorf, S., and S. G. Benner. 2016. Indo-Gangetic groundwater threat. Nature Geoscience DOI:10.1038/ngeo2804
  • Keiluweit, M., P.S. Nico, M. Kleber, and S. Fendorf. 2016. Are oxygen limitations under recognized regulators of organic carbon turnover in upland soils? Biogeochemistry 127: 157-171. DOI 10.1007/s10533-015-0180-6.
  • Janot, N., J. Lezama Pacheco, D. Pham, T. O'Brien, D. Hausladen, V. Noël, F. Lallier, K. Maher, S. Fendorf, K. Williams; P. Long, J. Bargar. 2016. Physico-chemical heterogeneity of organic-rich sediments in the Rifle aquifer, CO: Impact on uranium biogeochemistry. Environ. Sci. Technol. 50: 46–53. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03208
  • Rawson, J., H. Prommer, A. Siade, J. Carr, M. Berg, J. Davis, and S. Fendorf. 2016. Numerical modeling of arsenic mobility during reductive iron-mineral transformations. Environ. Sci. Technol. 50: 2459–2467. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b05956
  • Schaefer, M.V., S.C. Ying, S. G. Benner, Y. Duan, Y. Wang, and S. Fendorf. 2016. Aquifer arsenic cycling induced by seasonal hydrologic changes within the Yangtze River basin. Environ. Sci. Technol. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b04986.
  • Stuckey, J.W., M. V. Schaefer, B. D. Kocar, S. G. Benner, and S. Fendorf. 2016. Arsenic release metabolically constrained to permanently saturated soils in Mekong Delta. Nature Geosciences 9: 70-76. doi:10.1038/ngeo2589
  • Fakhreddine, S., J. Dittmar, D. Phipps, J. Dadakis, and S. Fendorf. 2015. Geochemical triggers of arsenic mobilization during managed aquifer recharge. Environ. Sci. Technol. 49: 7802−7809. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b01140
  • Jones, L., C., B. Peters, J. S. Lezama Pacheco, K. Casciotti, and S. Fendorf. 2015. Stable isotopes and iron oxide mineral products as markers of chemodenitrification. Environ. Sci. Technol. 49: 3444−3452. DOI: 10.1021/es504862x.
  • Padowski, J, S. Gorelick, B. Thompson, S. Rozelle, S. Fendorf. 2015 Assessment of human-natural system characteristics influencing global freshwater supply vulnerability. Environ. Res. Letters 10: 104014. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/10/104014
  • Stuckey, J. W., M. V. Schaefer, S. G. Benner, and S. Fendorf. 2015. Reactivity and speciation of mineral-associated arsenic in seasonal and permanent wetlands of the Mekong Delta. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 171: 143-155. DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2015.09.002
  • Stuckey, J. W., M. V. Schaefer, B. D. Kocar, S. G. Benner, and S. Fendorf. 2015. Peat formation concentrates arsenic within sediment deposits of the Mekong Delta. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 14: 190-205.
  • Ying, S.C., J. Damashek, S. Fendorf, and C.A. Francis. 2015. Indigenous arsenic(V)-reducing microbial communities in redox-fluctuating near-surface sediments of the Mekong Delta. Geobiol. 13: 581–587. DOI: 10.1111/gbi.12152
  • Erban, L.E., S. M. Gorelick, and S. Fendorf. 2014. Arsenic in the multi-aquifer system of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam: analysis of large-scale spatial trends and controlling factors. Environ. Sci. Technol. 48: 6081-6088 (doi: /10.1021/es403932t).
  • Kocar, B. D., S. G. Benner, and S. Fendorf. 2014. Deciphering and predicting spatial and temporal concentrations of arsenic within the Mekong Delta aquifer. Environ. Chem. 11: 579-594
  • Massey, M. M., J. Lezama Pacheco, J. Nelson, S. Fendorf, and K. Maher. 2014. Uranium incorporation into amorphous silica. Environ. Sci. Technol. 48: 8636–8644. DOI /10.1021/es501064m
  • Massey, M. M., J. Lezama Pacheco, and S. Fendorf. 2014. Uranium incorporation into aluminum-substituted ferrihydrite during iron(II)-induced transformation. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. 16: 2137-2134. DOI: 10.1039/C4EM00148F
  • Massey, M. S. J. S. Lezama-Pacheco, M. E. Jones, E. S. Ilton, J. Cerrato, J. R. Bargar, and S. Fendorf. 2014. Competing retention pathways of uranium upon reaction with Fe(II). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 142: 166-185.
  • Erban, L. E., S. M. Gorelick, H. A. Zebker, S. Fendorf. 2013. Deep aquifer arsenic hazard linked to water abstraction and land subsidence. Proc. Nation. Acad. Sci. 110: 13751-13756.
  • Jardine, P. M., M. A. Stewart, M. O. Barnett, N. T. Basta, S. C. Brooks, S. Fendorf, and T. L. Mehlhorn. 2013. Influence of soil geochemical and physical properties on chromium (VI) sorption and bioaccessibility. Environ. Sci. Technol. doi: 10.1021/es401611h
  • Marcy, A, E. Hadley, J. Patton, and S. Fendorf. 2013. Morphological adaptations for digging and climate-impacted soil properties define pocket gopher (Thomomys spp.) distributions. PloS ONE. 8: e64935. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0064935
  • Masue-Slowey, Y., S. C. Ying, B. D. Kocar, C. E. Pallud, and S. Fendorf. 2013. Dependence of arsenic fate and transport on biogeochemical heterogeneity arising from the physical structure of soils and sediments. J. Environ. Qual. 42: 1119-1129. doi:10.2134/jeq2012.0253
  • Seyfferth, A. L., B. D. Kocar, J. A. Lee, and S. Fendorf. 2013. Seasonal dynamics of dissolved silicon in a rice cropping system after straw incorporation. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 123: 120-133. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2013.09.015
  • Ying, S.C., Y. Masue-Slowey, B.D. Kocar, S.D. Griffis, S. Webb, M. Marcus, C. Francis, and S. Fendorf. 2013. Distributed microbially- and chemically-mediated redox processes controlling arsenic dynamics within Mn/Fe-oxide constructed aggregates. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 104: 29-41.
  • Ying, S.C., Kocar, B.D. and Fendorf, S. 2012. Oxidation and competitive retention of arsenic between iron and manganese oxides. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 96: 294-303.
  • Kim, E.A., Y. Masue-Slowey, S. Fendorf, and R.G. Luthy. 2012. Intra-particle migration of mercury in granular polysulfide-rubber-coated activited carbon (PSR-AC). Chemosphere 86: 648-654. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.11.012
  • Seyfferth, A.L., and S. Fendorf. 2012. Silicate mineral impacts on the uptake and storage of arsenic and plant nutrients in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Environ. Sci. Technol. 46: 13176-13183. DOI: 10.1021/es3025337
  • Du, X., B. Boonchayaanant, W.-M. Wu, S. Fendorf, J. Bargar, and C. S. Criddle. 2011. Reduction of uranium(VI) by soluble iron(II) conforms with thermodynamic predictions. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45: 4718-4725.
  • Stewart, B., R. T. Amos, and S. Fendorf. 2011. Influence of uranyl speciation and iron oxides on uranium biogeochemical redox reactions. Geomicrobiol. J.. 28:444-456.
  • Masue-Slowey, Y., B. D. Kocar, S. A. B. Jofre, K. U. Mayer, and S. Fendorf. 2011. Transport implications resulting from internal redistribution of arsenic and iron within constructed soil aggregates. Environ. Sci. Technol.. 45:582–588.
  • Hinckley, E. L. S., S. Fendorf, and P. Matson. 2011. Short-term fates of high sulfur inputs in Northern California vineyard soils. Nut. Cycl. Agroecosys.. 89: 135-142.:135-142.
  • Masue-Slowey, Y., R. Loeppert, and S. Fendorf. 2011. Alteration of ferrihydrite reductive dissolution and transformation by adsorbed As and structural Al: Implications for As retention. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta.. 75:870-886.
  • Sharma, P., R. Massimo, B. Kocar, S. Fendorf, A. Kappler. 2011. Influence of natural organic matter on As transport and retention. Environ. Sci. Technol.. 45:546–553.
  • Zhuang, Y., S. Ahn, A. L. Seyfferth, Y. Masue-Slowey, S. Fendorf, and R.G. Luthy. 2011. Dehalogenation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and polychlorinated byphenyl by bimetallic, impregnated, and nanoscale zerovalent iron. Environ. Sci. Technol.. 45:4896-4903.
  • Zhuang, Y., S. Ahn, A. L. Seyfferth, Y. Masue-Slowey, S. Fendorf, and R.G. Luthy. 2011. Dehalogenation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and polychlorinated byphenyl by bimetallic, impregnated, and nanoscale zerovalent iron. Environ. Sci. Technol.. 45:4896-4903.
  • Stewart, B., R. T. Amos, and S. Fendorf. 2011. Simultaneous microbial reduction of uranium(VI) and iron(III). J. Environ. Qual.. 40:90-97.
  • Bonebrake, T. C., R. T. Navratil, C. L. Boggs, S. Fendorf, C. B. Field, P. R. Ehrlich.. 2011. Native and non-native community assembly through edaphic manipulation: implications for habitat creation and restoration. Rest. Ecol.. 19:709–716.
  • Kim, E., A.L. Seyfferth, S. Fendorf, R.G. Luthy. 2011. Immobilization of Hg(II) in water with polysulfide-rubber (PSR) polymer-coated activated carbon. Water Res.. 45:453-460.
  • Ying, S.C., B.D. Kocar, S. Griffis, and S. Fendorf. 2011. Competitive Mn-oxide and microbially mediated redox process controlling arsenic speciation and partitioning. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45:5572-5577.
  • Du, X., B. Boonchayaanant, W.-M. Wu, S. Fendorf, J. Bargar, and C. S. Criddle. 2011. Reduction of uranium(VI) by soluble iron(II) conforms with thermodynamic predictions. Environ. Sci. Technol.. 45:4718-4725.
  • Pallud, C., Y. Masue-Slowey, and S. Fendorf. 2010. Aggregate-scale spatial heterogeneity in reductive transformation of ferrihydrite resulting from coupled biogeochemical and physical processes. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 74:2811–2825.
  • Stewart, B.D., Mayes, M.E., and S. Fendorf. 2010. Impact of Uranyl-Calcium-Carbonato Complexes on Uranium(VI) Adsorption to Synthetic and Natural Sediments. Environmental Science and Technology. 44(3): .
  • Seyfferth, A.L., S.M. Webb, J.C. Andrews, and S. Fendorf. 2010. Arsenic localization, speciation, and co-occurrence with iron on rice (Oryza sativa L.) roots having variable Fe coatings. Environ. Sci. Technol. . 44:8108-8113.
  • Kocar, B.D, T. Borch, and S. Fendorf. 2010. Arsenic mobilization and repartitioning during biogenic sulfidization and transformation of ferrihydrite. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 74:980-994.
  • Fendorf, S., H. A. Michael, and A. van Geen. 2010. Spatial and temporal variations of groundwater arsenic in South and Southeast Asia. Science. 328:1123-1127.
  • Benner, S. G., and S. Fendorf. 2010. Arsenic in South Asia. Geography Compass. 4:1532-1552.
  • Ginder-Vogel, M., B.D. Stewart, and S. Fendorf. 2010. Kinetic and Mechanistic Constraints on the Oxidation of Biogenic Uraninite by Ferrihydrite. Environmental Science and Technology. 44(1):163-169.
  • Peter S. Nico, Brandy D. Stewart and Scott Fendorf. 2009. Incorporation of Oxidized Uranium into Fe (Hydr)oxides during Fe(II) Catalyzed Remineralization. Environmental Science and Technology. : .
  • Stewart, B.D., P.S. Nico, and S. Fendorf. 2009. Stability of Uranium Incorporated into Fe(Hydr)oxides under Fluctuating Redox Conditions. Environ. Sci. Technol.. :43(13):4922-4927.
  • Hansel, C. M., S. Fendorf, P. M. Jardine, C. A. Francis. 2008. Changes in bacterial and archaeal community structure and functional diversity along a geochemically variable soil profile. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. . :AEM.01787-07.
  • Wu, W., etc., S. Fendorf, P. K. Kitanidis, P. M. Jardine, and C. S. Criddle. 2007. In-situ bioreduction of uranium (VI) to submicromolar levels and reoxidation by dissolved oxygen. Environ.. Environ. Sci. Technol.. 41:5716-5723.
  • Oze, C., D.K. Bird, and S. Fendorf. 2007. Genesis of hexavalent chromium from natural sources in soil and groundwater. PNAS. 104:6544-6549.
  • Cummings, D.E., S. Fendorf, R. K. Sani, B. M. Peyton, and T. S. Magnuson. 2007. Reduction of Cr(VI) under acidic conditions by the facultatively Fe(III)-reducing bacterium Acidiphilium cryptum. Environ. Sci. Technol.. 41:146-152.
  • Neiss, J., B.D. Stewart, P.S. Nico, and S. Fendorf. 2007. Speciation-Dependent Microbial Reduction of Uranium within Iron-Coated Sands. Environ. Sci. Technol.. :7343-7348.
  • Stewart, B.D., J. Neiss, and S. Fendorf. 2007. Quantifying Constraints Imposed by Calcium and Iron on Bacterial Reduction of Uranium(VI). Journal of Environmental Quality. 36:363-372.
  • Borch, T., Y. Masue, R. K. Kukkadapu, S. Fendorf.. 2007. Phosphate Imposed Limitations on Biological Reduction and Alteration of Ferrihydrite. Environ. Sci. Technol.. 41:166-172.
  • Bank, T.L., T.A. Vishnivetskaya, P.M. Jardine, M. Ginder-Vogel, S. Fendorf, M.E. Baldwin.. 2007. Elucidating geochemical and biogeochemical uranium reduction on neutral, reducing soils. Geomicrobiology Journal. :125-132.
  • Polizzotto, M. L., C. F. Harvey, G.-C. Li, B. Badruzzman, M. Newville, and S. Fendorf. 2006. Solid-phases and desorption processes of arsenic within Bangladesh sediments. Chemical Geology. 228:97-111.
  • Toevs, G. R., M. J. Morra, M. L. Polizzotto, D. G. Strawn, B. C. Bostick, and S. Fendorf. 2006. Metal(loid) diagenesis in mining-impacted sediments of Lake Coeur’d Alene, Idaho. Environ. Sci. Technol.. :2537-2543.
  • Ginder-Vogel, M., W. Wu, S.D. Kelly, K. Kemner, J. Carley, P.M. Jardine, C.S. Criddle, S. Fendorf. 2006. Micro-scale heterogeneity in biogeochemical uranium cycling. . Physica Scripta . 882:190-192.
  • Ginder-Vogel, M. A., C. Criddle, and S. Fendorf. 2006. Thermodynamic constraints on the oxidation of biogenic UO2 by Fe(III) (hydr)oxides. Environ. Sci. Technol.. 40:3544-3550.
  • Herbel, M., S. Fendorf. 2006. Biogeochemical processes controlling the speciation and transport of arsenic within iron coated sands. Chemical Geology. 228:16-32.
  • Nyman, J., T. L. March, M. A. Ginder-Vogel, M. Gentile, S. Fendorf, C. Criddle. 2006. Heterogeneous response to biostimulation for U(VI) reduction in replicated sediment microcosms. Biodegradation . 17:303-316.
  • Wu, W., etc., S. Fendorf, J. Zhou, P. Kitanidis, P. M. Jardine, and C. S. Criddle. 2006. Pilot-scale bioremediation of uranium in a highly contaminated aquifer II: Reduction of U(VI) and geochemical control of U(VI) bioavailability. Environ. Sci. Technol.. 40:3986-3995.
  • Kocar, B.D., M. J. Herbel, K. J. Tufano, and S. Fendorf. 2006. Contrasting effects of dissimilatory iron(III) and arsenic(V) reduction on arsenic retention and transport. Environ. Sci. Technol. 40:6715-6721.
  • Polizzotto, M. L., C. F. Harvey, S. R. Sutton, and S. Fendorf.. 2005. Processes conducive to the release and transport of arsenic into aquifers of Bangladesh. PNAS . 102:18819-18823.
  • Yang, J.-K., M. O. Barnett, J. Zhuang, S. Fendorf, and P. M. Jardine.. 2005. Adsorption, oxidation, and bioaccessibility of As(III) in soils. . Environ. Sci. Technol. . 39:7102-7110..
  • Ginder–Vogel, M., T. Borch, M. Mayes, P. Jardine, and S. Fendorf. 2005. Chromate reduction and retention processes within Hanford sediments. Environ. Sci. Technol.. 39:7833-7839.
  • Gu, B., W.-M. Wu, M. Ginder-Vogel., H. Yan., M. Fields, J. Zhou, S. Fendorf, C. Criddle, and P. M. Jardine. 2005. Bioreduction of uranium in a contaminated soil column. Environ. Sci. Technol.. 39:4841-4847.
  • Hansel, C.M., S. G. Benner, S. Fendorf. 2005. Competing Fe(II)-induced mineralization pathways of ferrihydrite. Environ. Sci. Technol.. 39:7147-7153.
  • Hansel, C.M., S. Benner, P.S. Nico, and S. Fendorf. 2004. Structural constraints of ferric (hydr)oxides on dissimilatory iron reduction and the fate of Fe(II). . Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 68:3217-3229.
  • Inskeep, W.P., R. E. Macur, G. Harrison, B. Bostick, and S. Fendorf. 2004. Microbial Mineralization of As(V)-Hydrous Ferric Oxyhydroxide Mats in an Acid-Sulfate-Chloride Geothermal Spring of Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta . 68::3141-3155.
  • Oze, C., S. Fendorf, D. Bird, and R. G. Coleman. 2004. Chromium geochemistry of serpentine soils. Int. Geol. Rev.. 46 :97-126.
  • Fendorf, S., M.J. LaForce, and G.C. Li. 2004. Temporal changes in soilpartitioning and bioavailability of arenic, chromium, and lead. J. Environ. Qual.. 33:2049-2055.
  • Nico, P. S., S. Fendorf, Y. W. Lowney, S. E. Holm, and M. V. Ruby. 2004. Chemical structure of arsenic and chromium in CCA-treated wood. Environ.. 38:5253-5260.
  • Bostick, B.C., C. Chen, and S. Fendorf. 2004. Arsenite retention mechanismswithin estuarian sediments of Pescadero, CA.. Environ. Sci. Technol.. 38:3299-3304.
  • Oze, C., D. Bird, R. Coleman, and S. Fendorf. 2004. Chromium geochemistry inserpentinized ultramafic rocks and serpentine soils from the Fanciscancomplex of California. Am. J. Science. 304 :67-101.
  • Hansel, C.M., B.W. Wielinga, and S. Fendorf. . 2003. Structural and compositional evolution of Cr/Fe biominerals following indirect chromate reduction by dissimilatory iron-reducing bacteria. . Geochem. Cosmochim. Acta . 67:401-412.
  • Bostick, B.C., and S. Fendorf. . 2003. Arsenite sorption on troilite (FeS) and pyrite (FeS2). . Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta . 67:909-921 .
  • Bostick, B.C., S. Fendorf, and G. Helz.. 2003. Differential adsorption of molybdate and tetrathiomolybdate on pyrite (FeS2).. Environ. Sci. Technol.. 37:285-291.
  • Bond, D.L., and S. Fendorf. 2003. Kinetics and Structural Constraints of Chromate Reduction by Green Rusts. Environ. Sci. Technol.. 37:2750-2757.
  • Brooks, S.C., J. K. Fredrickson, S. L. Carrol, D.W. Kennedy, J. M. Zachara, A. E. Plymale, S. D. Kelley, K. M. Kemner, and S. Fendorf. 2003. Inhibition of U(VI) reduction by Ca. Environ. Sci. Technol. . 37:1850-1858.
  • Hansel, C.M., S. Benner, Dohnalkova, A., R.K. Kukkadapu, and S. Fendorf. 2003. Secondary mineralization pathways induced by dissimilatory iron reduction of ferrihydrite under advective flow. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 67:2977-2992.
  • Kuhn, T., B.C. Bostick, A. Koschinsky, P. Halback, and S. Fendorf.. 2003. Enrichment of Mo in hydrothermal Mn precipitates: possible Mo sources,formation process and phase associations.. Chem. Geol. . 199:29-43.
  • Stewart, M.A., P.M. Jardine, C.C. Brandt, M.O. Barnett, S. Fendorf, L.D.McKay, T.L. Mehlhorn, K. Paul.. 2003. Effects of contaminant concentration, aging, and soil properties on the bioaccessibility of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in soil.. Soil and Sediment Contamination . 12:1-21.
  • Bostick, B.C., S. Fendorf, and B.A. Manning. . 2003. Arsenite adsorption on galena (PbS) and sphalerite (ZnS). . Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta . 67:895-907.
  • Bostick, B.C., S. Fendorf, M.O. Barnett, P. Jardine, and S.C. Brooks. . 2002. Uranyl surface complexes formed on subsurface media from DOE facilities. . Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. . 66:99-108.
  • Benner, S.G., C.H. Hansel., B.W. Wielinga, T.M. Barber, and S. Fendorf. . 2002. Reductive dissolution and biomineralization of iron hydroxide under dynamic flow conditions.. Environ. Sci. Technol. . 36:1705-1711.
  • LaForce, M.J., C.M. Hansel, and S. Fendorf. . 2002. Seasonal transformations of manganese in a mine-waste impacted wetland. . Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. . 66:1377-1389.
  • Hansel, C.M., S. Fendorf, M.J. LaForce, and S. Sutton. . 2002. Spatial and temporal associations of As and Fe species on aquatic plant roots.. Environ. Sci. Technol. . 36:1988-1994.
  • Blessing, T. C.;B. W. Wielinga;M. J. Morra;S. Fendorf. 2001. Co(II0I)EDTA(-) reduction by Desulfovibrio vulgaris and propagation of reactions involving dissolved sulfide and polysulfides. Environmental Science & Technology. 35:1599-1603.
  • Manning, B.A., S. Fendorf, B. Bostick, and D.L. Suarez. . 2001. Arsenic(III) oxidation and arsenic(V) adsorption reactions on synthetic birnessite. . Environ. Sci. Technol. . 65:976 – 981.
  • Bostick, B.C., Hansel, C.M., La Force, M.J., Fendorf, S.. 2001. Seasonal fluctuations in zinc speciation within a contaminated wetland. Environ. Sci. Technol.. 35:3823-3829.
  • Hansel, C.M., S. Fendorf, S. Sutton, Newville, M.. 2001. Characterization of Fe plaque and associated metals on the roots of mine-waste impacted aquatic plants. Environ. Sci. Technol.. 35:3863-3868..
  • Wielinga, B.;M. M. Mizuba;C. M. Hansel;S. Fendorf. 2001. Iron promoted reduction of chromate by dissimilatory iron-deducing bacteria. Environmental Science & Technology. 35:522-527.
  • LaForce, M. J.;S. Fendorf. 2000. Solid-phase iron characterization during common selective sequential extractions. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 64:1608-1615.
  • Fendorf, S.;B. W. Wielinga;C. M. Hansel. 2000. Chromium transformations in natural environments: The role of biological and abiological. processes in chromium(VI) reduction. International Geology Review. 42:691-701.
  • Rochette, E. A.;B. C. Bostick;G. C. Li;S. Fendorf. 2000. Kinetics of arsenate reduction by dissolved sulfide. Environmental Science & Technology. 34:4714-4720.
  • LaForce, M. J.;C. M. Hansel;S. Fendorf. 2000. Constructing simple wetland sampling devices. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 64:809-811.
  • Park, C. H.;M. Keyhan;B. Wielinga;S. Fendorf;A. Matin. 2000. Purification to homogeneity and characterization of a novel Pseudomonas putida chromate reductase. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 66:1788-1795.
  • Mayes, M. A.;P. M. Jardine;I. L. Larsen;S. C. Brooks;S. E. Fendorf. 2000. Multispecies transport of metal-EDTA complexes and chromate through undisturbed columns of weathered fractured saprolite. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 45:243-265.
  • LaForce, M. J.;C. M. Hansel;S. Fendorf. 2000. Arsenic speciation ; seasonal transformations ; and co-distribution with iron in a mine waste-influenced palustrine emergent wetland. Environmental Science & Technology. 34:3937-3943.
  • Cummings, D. E.;A. W. March;B. Bostick;S. Spring;F. Caccavo;S. Fendorf;R. F. Rosenzweig. 2000. Evidence for microbial Fe(III) reduction in anoxic ; mining-impacted lake sediments (Lake Coeur d'Alene ; Idaho). Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 66:154-162.
  • Bostick, B. C.;S. Fendorf;B. T. Bowie;P. R. Griffiths. 2000. Influence of cadmium sorption on FeS2 oxidation. Environmental Science & Technology. 34:1494-1499.
  • Bostick, B. C.;S. Fendorf;M. Fendorf. 2000. Disulfide disproportionation and CdS formation upon cadmium sorption on FeS2. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 64:247-255.
  • Wielinga, B.;B. Bostick;C. M. Hansel;R. F. Rosenzweig;S. Fendorf. 2000. Inhibition of bacterially promoted uranium reduction: Ferric (hydr)oxides as competitive electron acceptors. Environmental Science & Technology. 34:2190-2195.
  • Cummings, D. E.;F. Caccavo;S. Fendorf;R. F. Rosenzweig. 1999. Arsenic mobilization by the dissimilatory Fe(III)-reducing bacterium Shewanella alga BrY. Environmental Science & Technology. 33:723-729.
  • Fendorf, S.;P. M. Jardine;R. R. Patterson;D. L. Taylor;S. C. Brooks. 1999. Pyrolusite surface transformations measured in real-time during the reactive transport of Co(II)EDTA(2-). Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 63:3049-3057.
  • Jardine, P. M. ;S. E. Fendorf;M. A. Mayes;I. L. Larsen;S. C. Brooks;W. B. Bailey. 1999. Fate and transport of hexavalent chromium in undisturbed heterogeneous soil. Environmental Science & Technology. 33:2939-2944.
  • Reynolds, J. G.;D. V. Naylor;S. E. Fendorf. 1999. Arsenic sorption in phosphate-amended soils during flooding and subsequent aeration. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 63:1149-1156.
  • LaForce, M. J. ;S. Fendorf;G. C. Li;R. F. Rosenzweig. 1999. Redistribution of trace elements from contaminated sediments of Lake Coeur d'Alene during oxygenation. Journal of Environmental Quality. 28:1195-1200.
  • Manning, B. A.;S. E. Fendorf;S. Goldberg. 1998. Surface structures and stability of arsenic(III) on goethite: Spectroscopic evidence for inner-sphere complexes. Environmental Science & Technology. 32:2383-2388.
  • Rochette, E. A.;G. C. Li;S. E. Fendorf. 1998. Stability of arsenate minerals in soil under biotically generated reducing conditions. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 62:1530-1537.
  • Eick, M. J.;S. E. Fendorf. 1998. Reaction sequence of Nickel(II) with kaolinite: Mineral dissolution and surface complexation and precipitation. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 62:1257-1267.
  • Harrington, J. M.;S. E. Fendorf;R. F. Rosenzweig. 1998. Biotic generation of arsenic(III) in metal(loid)-contaminated freshwater lake sediments. Environmental Science & Technology. 32:2425-2430.
  • LaForce, M. J.;S. E. Fendorf;G. C. Li;G. M. Schneider;R. F. Rosenzweig. 1998. A laboratory evaluation of trace element mobility from flooding and nutrient loading of Coeur d'Alene River sediments. Journal of Environmental Quality. 27:318-328.
  • McGeehan, S. L.;S. E. Fendorf;D. V. Naylor. 1998. Alteration of arsenic sorption in flooded-dried soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 62:828-833.
  • Harrington, J. M.;M. J. LaForce;W. C. Rember;S. E. Fendorf;R. F. Rosenzweig. 1998. Phase associations and mobilization of iron and trace elements in Coeur d'Alene Lake ; Idaho. Environmental Science & Technology. 32:650-656.
  • Morra, M. J.;S. E. Fendorf;P. D. Brown. 1997. Speciation of sulfur in humic and fulvic acids using X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 61:683-688.
  • Patterson, R. R.;S. Fendorf;M. Fendorf. 1997. Reduction of hexavalent chromium by amorphous iron sulfide. Environmental Science & Technology. 31:2039-2044.
  • Fendorf, S.;M. J. Eick;P. Grossl;D. L. Sparks. 1997. Arsenate and chromate retention mechanisms on goethite .1. Surface structure. Environmental Science & Technology. 31:315-320.
  • Fendorf, S. E.;G. C. Li;M. J. Morra;L. M. Dandurand. 1997. Imaging a pseudomonad in mineral suspensions with scanning force and electron microscopy. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 61:109-115.
  • Fendorf, S.;M. Fendorf. 1996. Sorption mechanisms of lanthanum on oxide minerals. Clays and Clay Minerals. 44:220-227.
  • Fendorf, S. E.;G. C. Li. 1996. Kinetics of chromate reduction by ferrous iron. Environmental Science & Technology. 30:1614-1617.
  • Fendorf, S. E.;G. C. Li;M. E. Gunter. 1996. Micromorphologies and stabilities of chromium(III) surface precipitates elucidated by scanning force microscopy. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 60:99-106.
  • McDaniel, P. A.;A. L. Falen;K. R. Tice;R. C. Graham;S. E. Fendorf. 1995. Beidellite in E Horizons of Northern Idaho Spodosols Formed in Volcanic Ash. Clays and Clay Minerals. 43:525-532.
  • Fendorf, S. E.. 1995. Surface-Reactions of Chromium in Soils and Waters. Geoderma. 67:55-71.
  • Fendorf, S.E., M.G. Stapleton, G.M. Lamble, M.J. Kelley, and D.L. Sparks. 1994. Mechanisms of chromium(III) sorption on silica. I: An X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopic analysis.. Environ. Sci. Technol . 28:284-289.
  • Fendorf, S. E.;G. M. Lamble;M. G. Stapleton;M. J. Kelley;D. L. Sparks. 1994. Mechanisms of Chromium(Iii) Sorption on Silica .1. Cr(Iii) Surface-Structure Derived by Extended X-Ray-Absorption Fine-Structure Spectroscopy. Environmental Science & Technology. 28:284-289.
  • Fendorf, S. E.;D. L. Sparks. 1994. Mechanisms of Chromium(Iii) Sorption on Silica .2. Effect of Reaction Conditions. Environmental Science & Technology. 28:290-297.
  • Fendorf, S. E.;R. J. Zasoski;R. G. Burau. 1993. Competing Metal-Ion Influences on Chromium(Iii) Oxidation by Birnessite. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 57:1508-1515.
  • Fendorf, S. E.;D. L. Sparks;J. A. Franz;D. M. Camaioni. 1993. Electron-Paramagnetic Resonance Stopped-Flow Kinetic-Study of Manganese(Ii) Sorption Desorption on Birnessite. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 57:57-62.
  • Fendorf, S. E.;M. Fendorf;D. L. Sparks;R. Gronsky. 1992. Inhibitory Mechanisms of Cr(Iii) Oxidation by Delta-Mno2. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 153:37-54.
  • Fendorf, S. E.;R. J. Zasoski. 1992. Chromium(Iii) Oxidation by Delta-Mno2 .1. Characterization. Environmental Science & Technology. 26:79-85.
  • Fendorf, S.E., and D.L. Sparks. 1992. Reductive dissolution kinetics of MnO2 by Cr(III).. In Division of Environmental Chemistry Symposia for the 203rd ACS National Meetings, (V.D. Adams, ed.), American Chemical Society.. 32:529-532.
  • Fendorf, S. E. ;D. L. Sparks;M. Fendorf;R. Gronsky. 1992. Surface Precipitation Reactions on Oxide Surfaces. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 148:295-298.
  • Fendorf, M., S.E. Fendorf, D.L. Sparks, and R. Gronsky. 1991. Use of TEM for characterization of reactions of MnO2 with Cr(III) and Al(III). . In Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscopy Society of America, G.W. Bailey, ed.. :635-636.
  • Ginder-Vogel, M., Stewart, B.D. and S. Fendorf. 2010. Kinetic and Mechanistic Constraints on the Oxidation of Biogenic Uraninite by Ferrihydrite. Environmental Science and Technology. 44(1):163-169.
  • Borch, T. and S. Fendorf. 2007. Phosphate interactions with iron (hydr)oxides: Mineralization pathways and phosphorus retention upon bioreduction. In M.A. Barnett and D.B. Kent (Eds.) “Adsorption to Geomedia II: Variable, Mechanisms, and Model Applications”. . :322-348.
  • Ginder-Vogel, M. and S. Fendorf. 2007. Biogeochemical uranium redox transformations: Potential oxidants of uraninite. In M.A. Barnett and D.B. Kent (Eds.) “Adsorption to Geomedia II: Variable, Mechanisms, and Model Applications”. . :293-321.
  • Fendorf, S., M. J. Herbel, K. J. Tufano, and B. Kocar. 2007. Biogeochemical processes controlling the cycling of arsenic in soils and sediments. In A. Violante, P. M. Huang, and G. Gadd (Eds) Biophysico-Chemical Processes of Heavy Metals and Metalloids in Soil Environments. IUPAC Division VI-Chemistry and the Environment.. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England.:313-338.
  • Herbel, M., and S. Fendorf. 2005. Transformation and transport of arsenic within ferric hydroxide coated sands within dissimilatory reducing bacterial activity. In P.A. O’Day, D. Vlassopoulos, X. Meng, and L.G. Benning (Eds.) Advances in Arsenic Research: Integration of Experimental and Observational Studies and Implications for Mitigation.. : .
  • Nico, P.S., and S. Fendorf. 2004. Soil chemistry and mineralogy: Kinetics of redox reactions. In D. Hillel (Ed.) “Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment”. :372-378.
  • Fendorf, S., B.W. Wielinga, and C.M. Hansel. . 2002. Operative pathways of chromate and uranyl reduction within soils and subsurface media. . In P.C. Zhang and P. Brady (Eds.) Soil Geochemical Processes of Radionuclides. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Special Publication. . :111-130.
  • Manning, B.A., S.E. Fendorf, and D.L. Suarez. . 2002. Arsenic(III) complexation and oxidation reactions in soil. . In Cai and Braids (Eds.) “Biogeochemistry of environmentally important trace elements”. ACS Symposium . Series No. 835.: .
  • Hansel, C.M., La Force, M.J., Sutton, S.E., Fendorf, S.. 2001. Ecosystem dynamics of zinc and manganese within a mine-waste impacted wetland. Geochemical Society Special Publication, S. Wood and R. Hellmann (Eds.). Crerar Volume: .
  • Inskeep, W.P., T.R. McDermott, and S.E. Fendorf. . 2001. Arsenic (V/III) cycling in soils and natural waters: Chemical and microbiological processes. . In W.T. Frankenberger, Jr. (Ed.) “Environmental Chemistry of Arsenic”.. : .
  • Fendorf, S.E. 2000. Fundamental aspects and applications of x-ray absorption spectroscopy in clay and soil science. In D.G. Schulze and P.M. Bertsch (Eds.) Applications of synchrotron radiation in clay science. CMS Workshop Lectures, Vol. 9. Clay Mineral Society, Ottawa, Canada. In Press.. : .
  • Fendorf, S.E., P.M. Jardine, D.L. Taylor, S.C. Brooks, and E.A. Rochette. 1999. Auto-inhibition of pyrolusite oxidative reactivity toward Co(II)EDTA. In D.L. Sparks and T. Grundl (Eds.) Kinetics and mechanisms of reactions at the mineral/water interface. ACS Symposium Series 715, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C. . : p. 358-371.
  • Fendorf, S.E., and D.L. Sparks. 1996. X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. In Methods of Soil Analysis: Chemical Methods. J.M. Bigham (Ed), ASA, Madison, WI.. : p. 377-416.
  • Sparks, D.L., S.E. Fendorf, C.V Toner, IV, and T.H. Carski. 1996. Kinetic Methods and Measurements. In Methods of Soil Analysis: Chemical Methods. J.M. Bigham (Ed), ASA, Madison, WI.. : p. 1275-1307.
  • Fendorf, S.E., and D.L. Sparks. 1994. Applications of surface spectroscopies and microscopies to elucidate sorption mechanisms on oxide surfaces. In Proceedings of the 15th World Congress of Soil Science, Vol 3a, International Society of Soil Science Publication. : pp. 182-199.
  • Fendorf, S.E., D.L. Sparks, and M. Fendorf. 1994. Aluminum sorption mechanisms on birnessite: Influences on Cr(III) oxidation. In Proceedings of the 15th World Congress of Soil Science, Vol 3a, International Society of Soil Science Publication. : pp. 129-144.
  • Sparks, D.L., S.E. Fendorf, P.C. Zhang, and L. Tang. 1993. Kinetics and Mechanisms of Environmentally Important Reactions in Soil Colloidal Surface. In D. Petruzzelli and F.G. Helfferich (eds), Migration and Fate of Pollutants on Soils and Subsoils. NATO ASI Series. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.. : pp. 141-168 .

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